Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Response to Erin and Kyle- Change

So far I'd have to say that Erin and Kyle's presentation on change has been one of my favorites. I'm not sure if it was because at our age our lives are changing constantly on a day to day basis- but something about it really resonated with me. The "Who touched my cheese" video- while it was silly and entertaining, held a lot of merit. What is basically boiled down to was that instead of dwelling on why you failed or why something changed when you didn't expect it to, it's best to bounce back and continue in a new direction instead of dwelling on the past and the way you did things before. Your ability to succeed in any given task, profession or situation is entirely dependent on your ability to adapt when things go wrong and change- because they will. Time and time and time again. Change is the only thing guaranteed in life, and the sooner you accept it, the better off you will be.

1 comment:

  1. I really liked the Cheese video - especially the way it was applied to Amazon. Nice to see how the authors updated it.
