We began by having the class think about these questions before we met, and set up a word cloud that they were able to text their answers into once we met. I thought this went well, and the cool thing about a word cloud is that the more times an answer is said, the bigger the word gets on the screen, so it was easy to see the popular answers among the class. Some of their answers are as followed:

It was nice to see that, for the future, people see themselves having families, achieving happiness and success, having jobs and hopefully traveling. Family and Happiness seemed to be the most important.
For the second, it seemed that the class really values kindness and respect in their lives, be it with themselves or with others.
We went on and did a few different activities, watched a ted talk about Judge Helen Whitener, and had some good discussions. We ran a bit short on time which was unfortunate but we are looking forward to tying what we learned in this lesson into our next about the conflicts between physicians and administration.
Your class was very engaging, which was great! I think the word cloud was very appropriate for your presentation.